
End Time Reminder Ministries (ETRM) is fervently dedicated to broadcasting the message of Jesus Christ worldwide, significantly impacting lives through spiritual outreach and community engagement. With a particular focus on West Africa, ETRM's work extends through Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea—regions where the transformative power of the Gospel is vividly evident.

Liberia: A Testament of Transformation

Liberia holds a special place in the heart of ETRM—it is not only where our ministry was birthed but also a testament to the resilience and renewal that follows profound strife. This post-conflict nation embodies the prophetic nature of biblical end times, reminding us of the restoration that follows upheaval, as illustrated in Isaiah 43:19: "Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." In Liberia, ETRM has taken root and flourished, turning a history of conflict into a story of hope and spiritual revival. Our pastors in Liberia are deeply involved in evangelism and community building, transforming lives through the enduring message of Christ's love and power.

Sierra Leone: Healing and Hope

Sierra Leone's journey with ETRM has been one of healing and revival. Post-conflict, the nation has seen significant spiritual growth and healing through our ministries. Our pastor and his team work closely with local churches to provide support, education, and spiritual guidance, helping to rebuild a nation deeply scarred by its past but now looking to a future filled with divine promise.

Guinea: Cultivating Faith

In Guinea, ETRM focuses on cultivating a deep, enduring faith among the people. Our missionaries are dedicated to teaching and discipleship, encouraging a thorough understanding and application of Biblical principles. Despite the challenges posed by cultural and religious differences, many are coming to embrace the message of salvation through Christ, reflecting a burgeoning interest in Christian faith.

The Urgency of the End Time Message

The urgency to spread the End Time message across all nations is clear and imperative. As stated in Matthew 24:14, "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come." This scripture underscores the critical need for ministries like ETRM to reach every corner of the globe, ensuring that every nation hears the prophetic message of Jesus Christ's imminent return.

Additionally, Mark 16:15 commands us, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." This directive from Jesus motivates our ongoing efforts to expand our reach, understanding that the salvation of souls and the preparation for Jesus’ return are paramount in these last days.

At ETRM, we are driven by a divine mandate to bring the message of hope, salvation, and preparation for the end times to every nation. We invite you to join us in this global mission, supporting our work through prayer, participation, and partnership as we endeavor to fulfill the Great Commission in these critical times. Together, we can ensure that no community is left untouched by the transformative power of the Gospel.